E-Readers & Literacy

We leverage digital technology by installing E-readers filled with government specified textbooks and reference books.

Prior to OCI, 3 or 4 children were sharing 1 textbook. Now, in classrooms with E-readers, each child has their own. No more reading upside down!! Learners can read at their own pace!

Our E-readers provide age-appropriate African and international titles for pleasure reading.

Some children have now read over 100 books and are asking for more!! Children and adults are downloading free books and consistently request titles like agriculture, economics and health.

OCI provides community-wide access to computers and the internet at the Ouko Community Library.

Adults and children now flock to the award winning Dr. Robert Ouko Memorial Community Library (DROMCL) built by OCI. Even when schools are closed children have a place to go to use their time to further their learning.

We train teachers how to run an interactive classroom supported by teaching aids and technology that foster problem solving and creative thinking.

Thanks to these initiatives, local teachers tell us that English literacy and fluency have improved and children are building confidence, asking more questions and winning competitions for public speaking.

Provide opportunities for cross-cultural learning opportunities.

OCI families and friends travel to Koru to build relationships and to teach in the schools. Local students and OCI travelers have the opportunity to share their life experiences, skills and talents with one another. For many, this is a life-changing experience that motivates each to improve their own lives and the lives of others.

Create extra-curricular enrichment programs for children and adults.

Pen Pal programs between Koru schools and Boston area schools, drama and poetry writing, and lecture series are all made possible through OCI. In addition, the United States Peace Corps has partnered with OCI to teach life skills to Koru youth.